Mugal Road/ Peer Ki Gali

Mugal Road/ Peer Ki Gali: - Moghul Road is the road between Bafliaz, a town in the Poonch district, to Shopian district in the Kashmir valley. The road is 84km long, and situated in the Jammu and Kashmir state of India. On Mughal road has offered you another busiest “Tourist Destination” called PEER KI GALI.

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Peer Ki Gali is situated in the middle of Mughal road. It is not only the tourist destination, but a central meeting point for the people of South Kashmir area from Kashmir side and Poonch and Rajouri districts. Peer Ki Gali, is for famous shrine located in the area in the name of great Sufi saint Sheikh Ahmed Karim (RA). Due to the location of the shrine at this place, thousands of religious tourists also visit this place.